There is: 101,111,121,131,141,151,161,171,181,191 202,212,222,etc... 999 There are 90 palindromic 3 digit numbers
1001, 1111
it too long but its between 100 000 and 999 999 examples: 124 132 556 318 582 782 123 126 436 419 665 876 258 965 875 785 256 487 756 356
Between 100 and 999 there are 448.
Including 100 and 999 themselves, 900. If you don't count 100 and 999, there are 898.
There are 30 multiples of 30 between 100 and 999.
Including 100 and 999 themselves, 900. If you don't count 100 and 999, there are 898.
There are 107 numerical palindromes between the numbers 1 and 1000, starting from 2 to 999.
There is: 101,111,121,131,141,151,161,171,181,191 202,212,222,etc... 999 There are 90 palindromic 3 digit numbers
There are 280 of them.
1001, 1111