Preparing enough food for the guests at a dinner party - 16 people x 1 potato each = 16 potatoes. 16 people x 8 ounces of steak each = 128 ounces of steak = 8 pounds of steak.
A series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food is called a food chain. It represents the transfer of energy and nutrients from one organism to another in an ecosystem. Each organism occupies a specific trophic level, with producers at the bottom (plants) and consumers at higher levels, forming a linear sequence of energy flow.
When taking tallies! e.g: How many people's favorite food is chocolate, potato, mushroom, strawberry bonbons! You go and ask 100 people! You can't just remember how many said each food - it is too many numbers to count. So you use a tally! Do Tally Lines Here Total Tally Here Chocolate Potato Mushroom Strawberry Bonbons In short: When taking surveys of lots of people! Hopefully that will help!
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Food born illnesses can make people sick. They can cause any thing from an upset stomach to flu like symptoms.
botulism and uhhh....
e. coli
pooz and weez!!!
Everyday, someone is affected by food borne illnesses. These illnesses are caused by contaminated food and under cooked meats. An example of a food borne pathogen is salmonella.
Foodborne illnesses can be caused by any of: Contaminants Improper food handling practices Food Allergies
food borned illness in southeast asia
Campylobacter infections account for a substantial percent of food-borne illness encountered each year.
E. Coli Infection, Salmonellosis, Botulism, and Gastroenteritis
Foodborne illnesses can be caused by any of: Contaminants Improper food handling practices Food allergies