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About 48 million people will die each year from foodborne llness

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Q: How many people die from food borne illnesses each year?
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People never die from food-borne illnesses?


What are the social effect of food borne illnesses?

Food born illnesses can make people sick. They can cause any thing from an upset stomach to flu like symptoms.

What are the types of food borne illnesses?

botulism and uhhh....

Which of the following are food-borne illnesses?

e. coli

Is typhoid fever and HIV food borne illnesses?


Are most food-borne illnesses treatable?

pooz and weez!!!

What is the example of incident for food borne illness?

Everyday, someone is affected by food borne illnesses. These illnesses are caused by contaminated food and under cooked meats. An example of a food borne pathogen is salmonella.

What is the most common food borne illnesses?

Foodborne illnesses can be caused by any of: Contaminants Improper food handling practices Food Allergies

Food borne illnesses in southeast Asia?

food borned illness in southeast asia

What portion of food-born illnesses are due to Campylobacter infections?

Campylobacter infections account for a substantial percent of food-borne illness encountered each year.

What are food borne illnesses?

E. Coli Infection, Salmonellosis, Botulism, and Gastroenteritis

What is the most common cause of food-borne illnesses?

Foodborne illnesses can be caused by any of: Contaminants Improper food handling practices Food allergies