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31,224 firearm-related deaths in 2007 in the United States

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Q: How many people die from gunshots?
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How many children die due to gunshots per year in the us?

no one knows

How many people were wounded by gunshots in the United States in 2007?

I don't know of any place you can find that information.

What is the collective noun for gunshots?

volley of gunshots

In The Godfather how many gunshots hit Don Corleone?


Who is the patron saint of gunshots?

There are no patron saints of gunshots. There are patrons of gunners and gunsmiths, however.

Which is the most controvisal in the Bill of Rights?

Many people think it is "the right to bear arms" because so many people in the USA get shot and killed, the USA has the dubious honour of having the highest death rate by gunshots in the whole world.

Where did the Jews get killed?

During the Holocaust, Jewish people as well as many others were killed. Some of the terrible ways listed include gas chambers, fires, gunshots, and more.

What mgk song has gunshots and coughing?

Warning Shot (ft.Cassie) by MGKIt has gunshots in the beginning and end but no coughing. It may be what your looking for though? :/

What is a rapid series of gunshots?


What is a group of gunshots called?

A burst

Do more people die annually in New York City including all five boroughs from some type of cancer or from gunshots?

More, much more did from cancer related causes despite the bad reputation the city has for gun violence.

What is the name of a number of gunshots fried at once?

A fusillade.