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Q: How many people have irregular heartbeats?
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What ar antiarrhythmic drugs?

Antiarrhythmic drugs are medicines that correct irregular heartbeats and slow down hearts that beat too fast.

Are irregular heartbeats a sign of heart arrhythmia?

Heart arrhythmia is a condition with irregular heartbeats, it's a pretty common condition, with medical care it can be pretty much non existent. So check in with your doctor, get good sleep, diet and exercise.

Who many people have missing heartbeats?

Only the dead ones.

What is the meaning of the word adenosine?

There are many ways one might use the term 'adenosine.' Adenosine is a prescription drug that treats irregular heartbeats, also known as arrrhythmias.

Murmur in a sentence?

Some people have a heart condition called a heart murmur. Heart murmurs are irregular heartbeats. Most people grow out of heart murmurs.

How many heartbeats would you have if you reach 75 years old?

25 heartbeats

What is considered an abnormal result of a catheter ablation?

Additional irregular heartbeats can occur as a result of this procedure, as can damage to the blood vessels that feed the heart.

How many heartbeats in 1 minute?

Between 50 - 100 for most people during most activities.

Where do you get irregular heartbeats?

Irregular heartbeats can occur in healthy people without causing any dangerous symptoms or requiring medical attention. Slight changes in the normal patterns of heartbeats often reset themselves without notice.

How many heartbeats can a person feel in 15 seconds?

I suppose it differs for diffrent people. For example, mine is: 24

How many consecutive heartbeats must fail before convergence occurs?

5 heartbeats before convergence occurs

A toxicity of which mineral damages the nervous system and causes symptoms that resemble Parkinson's disease?

Magnesium- can cause muscle weakness, seizures, fatigue, depression, and irregular heartbeats.