Every single person in the US does this whether from birth to present, they done it at least once! Unless they don't have fingers of course or a nose!
how many people diagnosed with lung canser 2006 how many people are diagnosed with lung cancer in the us 2006
EVERYBODY in the US has the same birthday as someone else in the US. The converse would be that someone in the US has his/her own birthday and nobody else in the entire population of 300,000,000 people in the US was born on that day.
There are a few more than 30,000 suicides in the US per year.
no because they were too busy to even pick their nose
Well, us normal people smell things with it....
The nose is the sense organ of smell. The nose allows us to smell because of special 'nose hairs' found further up in the nose away from the part we can see. these hairs pick up the smell of the surroundings send an appropriate message to the brain then the brain interprets it, and gives an identification of the smell.
i heard 85 million
Very nearly 100% of the people on Earth are not famous historians. ? Or do you have a list of names for us to pick from?
They are made from the cold It helps us by blocking the germs and bacteria out of our nose because the bogeys are too soggy and thick for them to come inside your nose! They are like shields but in your nose! It protects the inside and outside of your nose (so don't keep on wiping it because the bacteria will go inside and don't pick your nose because it will melt and go on the bacteria that's melting him)Um, anyway, bogeys are dust say get RID of them!!
no not at all some will come us and let us pet them and let us ride on the there loving and caring animals
a dogs nose is something that can smell three times then us
Try Craig's since it's free. Many people also sell them on Ebay. Navl will pick up from you & deliver to a buyer anywhere in the US.
A lot. It matters by when they actually pick them.