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Q: How many people need to be in a room to guarantee that at least two people will have the same birthday?
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How many people are needed to guarantee that at least two were born on the same day of the week and in the same months perhaps in different years?

To absolutely guarantee that at least two people were born on the same date you would need 367 people. However with 29 people the odds would be approaching unity but it does not guarantee this will be the case.

How many people must be in the room in order to guaratnee that at least two people share a birthday?


How many people would you need to guarantee that there were at least 1000 handshakes?

You could never guarantee 1000 handshakes because the people may choose not to shake hands! If each person did shake hands with everyone else, then 46 people would suffice.

How many people are needed in a room before two of them share the same birthday?

For the chance to be at least 50% that two people share the same birthday, there needs to be 22 people. For the chance to be exactly 100% that two people share the same birthday, there needs to be 366 people. If there was 365 people, there would be a very small chance that each person in the room would have different birthdays. With 366 people, there are not enough individual days for every person to have a different birthday, so there has to be at least one pair.

How many consecutive numbers do you need to guarantee that one of the numbers is divisible by 6?

Every sixth number will be a multiple of 6, so you need at least six consecutive numbers to guarantee that one of them will be divisible by 6.

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How many people are needed to guarantee that at least two were born on the same day of the week and in the same months perhaps in different years?

To absolutely guarantee that at least two people were born on the same date you would need 367 people. However with 29 people the odds would be approaching unity but it does not guarantee this will be the case.

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At least 100 all over the world.

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December 25th is considered the least popular birthday, as many people avoid scheduling births on holidays like Christmas.

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A person shares their birthday with at least nine million different people around the world.

How many people must be in the room in order to guaratnee that at least two people share a birthday?


How many people would you need to guarantee that there were at least 1000 handshakes?

You could never guarantee 1000 handshakes because the people may choose not to shake hands! If each person did shake hands with everyone else, then 46 people would suffice.

How many people are needed in a room before two of them share the same birthday?

For the chance to be at least 50% that two people share the same birthday, there needs to be 22 people. For the chance to be exactly 100% that two people share the same birthday, there needs to be 366 people. If there was 365 people, there would be a very small chance that each person in the room would have different birthdays. With 366 people, there are not enough individual days for every person to have a different birthday, so there has to be at least one pair.

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70,000 people die on their birthday

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How many people have the birthday of March 23 in the world?

How many people do you know of that have your birthday?

3 people that I know have th same birthday as me.

How many people celebrite birthday on November 22?

alot of people have there birthday on November 22

What is the least common birthday month?

The least common birthday month is February, due to it being the shortest month and not having as many days for birthdates to occur.