14 x 13 = 182
Count the people in the room and multiply by 2. If you want to know how many SQUARE feet are in the room, multiply 13 times 22.
Executive Producer Jack Kenny stated through his Twitter feed that he is hopeful Warehouse 13 will return for a third season, but no announcement has yet been made.
There are 13 minutes in 13 minutes.
13 kilometers = 13 kilometers. Or what do you mean?
I would do 4.5 pounds of potaato
14 x 13 = 182
About 13 pounds of chicken should feed 50 people.
Females can have a maximum of 13 offspring as she only has 13 teats with which to feed heryoung.
on average a 10 pound turducken will feed 12 to 14 people. If you really want left overs go for a larger one.
Two gallons
to feed 4 people takes about a 1/2 of cup so if we multiply that by 13 we get 6 1/2 cups of rice to serve 52 people.
it depends on how much the people eat, but it will probably be around 10 cups, if you live in china at least.
About 13% of people get Heart disease.
The amount of chicken wings needed for 40 people will depend on how many chicken wings they each will eat. If each person ate 6 wings, you will need 240 wings.
13 people