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One if the two lines meet, none otherwise. But skew lines do not lie in the same plane, by definition.

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Q: How many planes can pass through a pair of skew lines?
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I'm not entirely certain what you're asking. Any pair of intersecting lines are of necessity coplanar, (assuming Euclidean geometry) though.

Does a plane contain at least three lines?

Yes- planes contain infinitely many points and every pair of points in plane determine a line in that plane, so every plane contains infinitely many lines.

How many planes can pass through two given points?

There are an infinite number of planes that pass through a pair of points. Select any plane that passes through both the points and then rotate it along the line joining the two points.

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I would say that there are an infinite number of planes that can pass through a pair of skew lines. In order to find the equation of a plane, all you need is three points. take two points off of one line and one point off of the other line and you should be able to derive the equation of a plane. Since the number of points on a line is infinite, an infinite number of planes can be derived.

Do two distinct planes intersect in a pair of lines?

No. The planes must either coincide (they are the same, and intersect everywhere), be parallel (never intersect), or intersect in exactly one line.

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Ah, a cuboid is a special shape with 9 lines of symmetry. Each face of the cuboid has a line of symmetry running through its center, and there are additional lines of symmetry that go through the midpoints of each pair of opposite edges. It's a beautiful thing to observe the symmetry in nature and mathematics.

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1 pair of parallel line

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