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Two distinct (different) points are needed to determine a line.

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Q: How many points are needed to determine a unique line?
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What is the minimum requirement needed to determine a unique plane?

3 points which do not all lie on the same line.

How many points are needed to determine a unique plane?

A plane can be determined by three points, as long as the three points do not lie along a single line.

How many ordered pairs are needed to draw a straight line?

In order to draw a straight line, two unique ordered pairs are needed. This is because two unique points determine a line and an ordered pair represents a point.

How many points determine unique line?


What is the minimum number of points needed to identify a line?

Two. Two points determine a line. Three points determine a plane.

How many points are needed to draw a line?

A line contains an infinite number of points but it takes only two points to determine a line.

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How many points are needed to determine a straight line?

You need two points to determine a line. A single point can have an infinite number of lines passing through it.

How many points determine exactly one line?

It takes exactly 2 distinct points to uniquely define a line, i.e. for any two distinct points, there is a unique line containing them.

What is a two points determine exactly one?

In plane geometry, two points determines or defines one unique line.

Do 3 points determine a line?

2 points determine a line.

Find the number of diffrent segments formed by 8 collinear points?

8 collinear points determine 28 unique line segments