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Zero, or all if the circles coincide.

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Q: How many points are shared by concentric circles?
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How many common external tangent can be drawn to two concentric circles?

If the circles have the same radius then an infinite number, and if they do not, then none.

How many circle can be drawn at one point?

It can be only 1 * * * * * Infinitely many concentric circles can be drawn.

How many stamens does a lotus have?

A lotus typically has many stamens, ranging from 20 to over a hundred, arranged in multiple concentric circles.

How many circles can be drawn at two fixed points?


What is the maximum number of possible intersections of the given loci a pair of concentric circles and a line?

Since there is no requirement for the line to be straight, the answer is infinitely many. Otherwise, 4.

How many points will form when 10 circles cutting each other?

I suggest 90.

How many circles can be made from three non collinear points?

I guess 3 . Take these 3 points 2 at a time . These two points would be the diameter of the circle .

How many circles can passes through three non-collinear points?

Exactly one. No more and no less.

How many thing resemble concentric circles?

A Bullseye, culdesac, the store, Target's logo, a CD, tree rings, water ripples coming from a center point, and the rings of Saturn and Uranus, to name some.

How many points are shared by two perpendicular lines?

um i think one? sorry i really don't know! he he he

How many rooms did the concentric castle have?

concentric castles could have 3 rooms on each floor it also has a underground where the duguon is kept

What is many concentric circle of a hard drive?
