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Q: How many points will form when 10 circles cutting each other?
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How do you place 10 circles of the same size in five rows with four circles in each row?

Kind of hard to show in here but... Use five circles to form a regular pentagon, then place the other five circles outside the pentagon - so that each is the point of a triangle (with the other points of the triangle formed by the points of the pentagon.

What is a concetric circles?

Concentric circles are a series of circles within each other.

What is the diffrerence between concentric and eccentric circles?

Concentric circles are circles that share the same center point, with each circle surrounding the other. Eccentric circles, on the other hand, do not share the same center point and are offset from each other. In simpler terms, concentric circles are like a target with multiple rings around a common center, while eccentric circles are like two circles that are not aligned at the same center point.

Can two circles be tangent at the same point?

If the two circles are tangent to each other,then it must be at the same point.

Why are circles important to building equilateral triangles?

The three vertices of a circle are at the same distance form each other. The circumference of a circle identifies all points which are at a given distance from a point (vertex).

How are the earth moon and sun related to each other?

The moon circles around the earth; the earth circles around the sun.

Can a tangent circle be concentric?

No; tangent circles touch each other at one point but concentric circles cannot not touch.

What is the meaning of congruent circle?

2 circles that intersect each other

How do triangles and circles relate to each other?

They're both shapes

Can two circles be parallel?

The circles could be in 2 planes that are parallel to each other. Lines and planes can be parallel. Lines of latitude are examples of circles that are in parallel planes.

Are circles tangent when they meet at a single point?

Yes, circles that share one and only one point are tangent to each other.

Why is all the points of a sphere are equal to each other?

Of the infinitely many points on a sphere, no two are the same as each other.