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Q: How many points do I take off for a wrong answer if there are a total of 40 questions on a test?
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Took a test that had 20 questions. Total grade was computed by 10 points for each correct and 5 point deduction for each wrong. All questions were answered with a score of 125. How many were wrong?

well you can go to answer right under ask and it will give you a list you can answers

How do you see how many point each question is on test?

You cannot know that. If you are told the total number of points for the test, you know (or count) the number of questions and you are told that each question is worth the same number of points then, and only then, each question is worth (total points/number of questions) points.

How do you grade a paper with 7 questions?

When I graded papers, no matter how many questions, I would mark the questions wrong that were wrong with checks. Then, to come up with a grade I would subtract the number possible with the number wrong. That would give me the total number right and from that you assign a grade to the paper.

What is th awnser to You are taking a test worth 135 points there are a total of 45 questions there are 5 point questions and two point questions. How many 2 point quesions are there?

15 5 point questions and 30 2 point questions.

How many questions and points does shsat test has?

95 questions 100 raw points scrambled paragraphs - 5 questions, 2 points ea. logical reasoning - 10 questions, 1 points ea. reading - 30 questions, 1 points ea. total - 45 questions, 50 points max. math - 50 questions, 50 points ea. However, your admissions is not based on the raw score alone (#right/100). It is calculated into a curve of a xy graph, and i only know 2 people outside of the NYC dept of education that have the 2009 curve. Nationwide in Flushing, and a certain Jet Chaw who teaches there.

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How many points would each question be is there are 15 questions?

There's no answer if no total points.

How many questions must be answered correctly to get score of 68 has 60 questions 2 points for correct answer no points for unanswered questions two thirds of a point subtracted for wrong answer?

Answer 34 questions correctly, ignore the rest.

Took a test that had 20 questions. Total grade was computed by 10 points for each correct and 5 point deduction for each wrong. All questions were answered with a score of 125. How many were wrong?

well you can go to answer right under ask and it will give you a list you can answers

If a test had 38 problems worth as total of 100 points and each problem is worth 5 and 2 points how many 5points and 2 point problems are there?

There would be (8) 5 point questions and (30) 2 point questions for a total of 38 questions and 100 points.

How many points are each question if there are 26 questions?

The answer will depend on the total score for the test and whether or not all the questions are score the same.

How do you see how many point each question is on test?

You cannot know that. If you are told the total number of points for the test, you know (or count) the number of questions and you are told that each question is worth the same number of points then, and only then, each question is worth (total points/number of questions) points.

You got 90 on a test that has exactly 40 questions how many questions did you get wrong?

A test score of "90" represents the percentage of correct questions. Multiply this percentage by the total number of questions and you will have the number of questions correctly answered. Subtract this from the total to find answers wrong. 90% of 40 questions = .90 x 40 = 36 questions right. 40-36 = 4 answers wrong.

How many points apiece for a 51 question test?

if one of the questions is a bonus it is 2 points each

How many questions can you get wrong to get an 80 percent if there are 100 questions?

You can get 20 questions wrong.

20 questions on a test is worth how many points each?

5% of the total test score per question.

How do you grade a paper with 7 questions?

When I graded papers, no matter how many questions, I would mark the questions wrong that were wrong with checks. Then, to come up with a grade I would subtract the number possible with the number wrong. That would give me the total number right and from that you assign a grade to the paper.

How many points a piece for 5 questions on a test?

If the questions are all worth the same, then one fifth of the total number of marks for the test. If not, you cannot work it out.