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X2 + Y2 = 36

Y = (+/-) sqrt(36 - X2)

=====================Radius = 6 (the circle is nicely oriented )


Y = X - 10

zeroing out variables in turn

Y = (0) - 10

Y = - 10


With a radius of only six for the circle and the line with these intersection points we can say with some confidence that this circle has no points in common with this line.

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Q: How many points does the circle x2 plus y2 equals 36 and the line y equals x-10 have in common?
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What is a straight line joining points on a circle?

A straight line joining points on a circle is called a "chord" of that circle. If the line happens to pass through the center of the circle, then it's a "diameter" of that circle. The question asked about "points" on a circle, so two points on the circumference of that circle are being considered. (No line can join more than two points of a circle.)

Can a circle pass through three points of a straight line?

No, a circle can never pass through three points of a straight line. The circle will touch 1) no points of the line, 2) one point of the line (which is now tangent to the circle), or 3) two points of the line. A line can contain (at most) twopoints that lie on the line.

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A chord line intersects a circle at two points of which the circle's diameter is its largest chord.

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No. A tangent touches the circle at exactly one point. A line that intersects a circle at exactly two points is a secant.

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A chord is a line which connects two points which lie on a circle.

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What is a line joining two points on the circle?

A straight line connecting two points on a circle is a "Chord". If the chord goes through the center of the circle, it is called, "Diameter".

What do you call the line that intersects the circle at two points?

A straight line that intersects a circle's circumference at two points will create a chord of which the circle's diameter is its largest chord.

A line segment that intersects with two points on a circle is called what?

A line segment that intersects with or joins two points on a circle is called a chord.

You are a straight line that join 2 points on the circumference of a circle?

The name of a straight line joining two points on the circumference of a circle is a chord.If the line passes through the the centre of the circle it is called a diameter