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Q: How many points would each question be on a 80 question exam?
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points each question worth on 8 question exam?

How much is each question worth on a 40 question exam?

If each question has the same "weight" (value), then each question would be worth 100% / 40 = 2.5%. However, it is also possible that some questions have more weight than others. In this case, 2.5% is simply the average value of each question.

How many points each will be taken off for each question on a 14 point exam?

96 points

How many points would each question be on a 40 question exam?

Questions on a test do not always have the same point value. The answer cannot be determined.

How many points is each question worth on a 10 question exam?

Depends on the value assigned teach question - not all question values are the same.

80 on a 160 point exam how many points he got credit for?

I cannot answer this question. I do not know how much each question is worth.

What are coming for SC exam?

work 2000 to 2009 paper or look at each question carefully! you would know!

Why they are putting marks in exam?

In an exam, each parson's paper is marked and points awarded against an "ideal" answer. The number of marks awarded show how well a person has done in answering the exam questions.

How did you do on the test?

The correct question would be "how did you fare in your exam?"

When you answer incorrectly on the sat exam you lose how many points?

On the SAT you get 1/4 point subtracted for every multiple-choice question you answer incorrectly. You get 0 points subtracted for every multiple choice question you don't answer.

You plan on taking a five-part exam each part worth 50 points The maximum score is measured in the?
