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It depends on how many digits in an area code. North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses a uniform system of 3-digit area codes, but many other countries do not.

Assuming a 3-digit area code and no other restrictions other than "first digit not zero," that leaves 900 possible area codes.

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Q: How many possible area codes can you get without using 0 as the first number?
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How many possible 3 digit area codes can be created without repeating a number?

The number of 3-digit numbers with no repeated digits is simply 10x9x8 = 720, if you allow, for example, 012 as a 3-digit number. There are 10 digits, any of which might be the first digit. The second digit can be any digit except the digit that was used for the first digit, leaving 9 possibilities. The third digit then has 8 possibilities, since it can't be the same as the first or second digit. The actual number of possible area codes will be lower, because there are additional restrictions on the number combinations for a valid area code. For example, in North America (USA, Canada, etc.), the first digit of an area code cannot be 0 or 1 and the middle digit cannot be 9.

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There are 26 choices for the first letter, 25 choices for the second letter (since we can't repeat the first letter), and 10 choices for the digit. Therefore, the total number of possible codes is: 26 x 25 x 10 = 6,500 So there are 6,500 possible codes with 2 letters and one digit if no letter or digit appears more than once.

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The answer depends on what the divisor is. Without that information it is not possible to give a more useful answer.

Can you check for codes on a 1994 Plymouth colt without a scan tool It has the on board diagnostic two style pin?

No, you cannot use an OBD scan tool. The DRB2 connection you are referring to can be used by a mechanic with the proper tools. You can read the codes by the key method. Turn the key on, then off, then on, then off, and finish with on. The codes will then flash the number of the first digit then it will pause and blink the number of the second digit.

How many three-digit area codes are possible if the first digit cannot be a 0?

There are 900 possible three-digit numbers not beginning with 0. (Note, however, that this question does not accurately describe the restrictions on numbers that can be used as area codes.)

How can someone translate Gameshark codes into Action Replay codes?

I noticed on my watch-list that someone asked a question and said it was the same as this, yet it wasn't. You can't use any gameshark codes without a gameshark or any Action Replay codes without an Action Replay. PS. This answer was from the person who first asked this question, Wro

How many possible 4 digit 0 thru 9 codes?

If the first digit can be zero, there are 5,040. If the first digit can't be zero, there are only 4,536.

Why are your codes for Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon are freezing your game?

because u first have to beat it without cheats

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