Kitty Corner is diagonal from the object you are describing. Catty Corner is directly opposite to the Kitty Corner position. Therefore, Catty Corner to Kitty Corner, is Kitty Corner again, if you were in a square. Then take a polygon - say a Heptagon. Kitty Corner to one area and Caddy Corner from that point could be two different positions.
witty kitty
Kitty-corner. In a square, a line drawn between one corner and the corner which is not adjacent to it.
it's actually a bastardization of the word Katty corner. i don't know where the word originated. sorryAnswerThe word "cattycorner" is from the word "cater" from the French word "quatre" meaning four. See link below for more information. I'm sure that when it was used by English speaking people, they thought "cater" sounded like "catter" so they associated it with the word "cat," and that is how we got our modern version of the word. • Not doubting the prior answer here, but why then is the following... ? From Louisiana does come the term "cangkitty_yonk"(not sure of spelling), which bears the identical definition. In Iowa, I grew up with both "kitty", but mainly "katty". Minnesota uses "kitty".
I think it means the fig tree. And Figaro is spelled the same way in English and Italian. I know because I googled it and my kitty's name is Figaro!
The weight of kitty litter can vary depending on the type and brand. However, on average, traditional clumping clay kitty litter weighs approximately 20-25 pounds per cubic foot. Lightweight or alternative types of litter may weigh less.
where was kitty litter invented? where was kitty litter invented?
No, kitty litter will not kill grass. However, by dumping kitty litter in your lawn, it will make a mess.
you could say both but the most common is kitty litter
You can find coupons for kitty litter in the local paper or online. You can call kitty litter companies to see if you can get discounts by purchasing in bulk.
Kitty litter does differ greatly depending on the brand purchased because every kitty litter is different. Some kitty litters are scented, some are not. Kitty litters can also come in different variations such as crystal like. Kitty litter can also be purchased in clumping, and not clumping.
Cool savings has many great deals with kitty litter. They have online, printable, and downloadable coupons for kitty litter. They have a range of brands which are easily categorized.
Use litter that is made out of clay.
No. Kitty litter is very dusty and can clog up their nose, get in their eyes, and is irritating to the skin.
Kitty litter to absorb it, the dispose of kitty litter as per local laws
I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that the company that makes the kitty litter kept in mind that animals tend to eat random things, so they would have had to make the kitty litter nontoxic.