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Q: How many pounds of pressure is a square inch of surface area at sea level?
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What does 1 ATM equals to?

ATM stands for atmosphere- the air pressure at the surface at sea level- about 14.6959 pounds per sq. inch.

What are two differences between force and pressure?

A force is an application of energy that tries to make something change its motion. A good example of this is when you put a ball on a level floor and give it a push. The push applies a force to the ball, which then changes from not moving to rolling across the floor. To stop the ball, you would apply a force in the opposite direction and make it come to rest. Sometimes a force doesn't make something move because it's exactly matched by an opposite force. When you sit on a chair, your weight is a force acting on the chair: the chair pushes back just as hard onto you, so you don't fall through the chair. The two forces (your weight and the chair's pushing back) balance out.The units of force are pounds (in the US) or Newtons (in the Metric system) Pressure is a force spread out over an area that it acts upon. For example, lets say I was walking along and I stepped onto a one-inch square piece of brick on the sidewalk. I weigh around 175 pounds, so my body would apply a 175 pound force to that piece of brick. The sidewalk would also feel that force transmitted through the piece of brick, spread out over the one square inch of surface the brick has in contact with the sidewalk. The pressure is the force divided by the area it acts on (P = Force/Area), so in this case the pressure applied to the sidewalk is 175 pounds per square inch. If that piece of brick were 5 inches square, its area would be 25 square inches: the pressure applied to the sidewalk would be 175 pounds/25 square inches = 7 pounds per square inch. The same force is acting on the sidewalk: it's just spread out over more brick surface. Pressures can have units of pounds per square inch, or Newtons per square meter (called Pascals). Liquids also have pressure which depend on their weight, how closely packed their molecules are, and their temperature. This pressure is caused by the molecules of the liquid bouncing agains a surface they're in contact with - like the inside of a jar, or the inner surface of an eye. If a liquid has a pressure of one pound per square inch, every square inch of surface it presses against has one pound of force spread over it. The total amount of force the pressure exerts on the surface is found by multiplying the pressure by the area of the surface it is pushing on (F = Pressure x Area). The one pound per square inch from before pushing on ten square inches of surface adds up to a total force of ten pounds trying to push whatever the surface is attached to. So, a force is essentially a push, and pressure is a push spread out over a surface.

What is the formula relating pressure and force to area?

pressure = force/area force = pressure x area area = force/pressure

How much does the atmosphere weigh over each square meter of surface?

The atmospheric pressure is roughly 1 bar, or 100,000 pascal. That means 100,000 newton per square meter (equivalent to the mass of about 10 tons). Actually, that's the approximate pressure at sea level; the pressure (force or weight per square meter) varies a lot depending on the altitude.

How much pressure is in a water tank that is 180 feet and give your answer per square inch?

I presume you mean at a depth of 180 feet. Since the weight of a cubic foot of water is approximately 65 pounds, the weight of water on a square foot at that depth is 65 times 180, which is 11,700 pounds. That is the pressure per square foot. Since there are 12 x 12 or 144 square inches in a square foot, the pressure in pounds per square inch would be 11,700 divided by 144, or about 81. This is in addition to the barometric pressure, which is about 14 pounds per square inch, for a total of 95 psi.Answer 1It's not possible for a water tank to be 180 feet. One of its dimensions could be, however.Sadly, since we don't know which dimension it is, nor do we know the height ofthe tank or the depth of the water in it, nor do we know at what level or in whichdirection you want the pressure measured, there's no way at all to even begin towork on a solution to this question.

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At sea level square inch of surface area is under almost how many pounds of pressure?

At sea level, one square inch of surface area is under approximately 14.7 pounds of pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere above it.

At sea level a square inch of surface is under almost how many pounds of pressure?

At sea level, a square inch of surface is under approximately 14.7 pounds of pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere above it. This pressure is known as one atmosphere or 1 atm.

What is the pressure at the surface of water?

The pressure at the surface of water is equal to atmospheric pressure. On average, this is about 101.3 kilopascals or 14.7 pounds per square inch at sea level.

How many pounds of air are you carrying on your head if you are at sea level?

At sea level, the average person carries around 14.7 pounds of air on their head due to the pressure exerted by the atmosphere. This pressure decreases at higher altitudes.

How many pounds per square inch is the force of air pressure?

Atmosphere pressure can be measured in pounds per square inch, and this varies depending on how far a location is above or below sea level. At sea level, atmospheric pressure equals 14.7 pounds per square inch (or psi).

How much does air pressure weigh at sea level?

Air pressure at sea level typically weighs around 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi), or around 101.3 kilopascals (kPa). This is the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level.

What is the pressure of the equator?

The average atmospheric pressure at the equator is around 1013 millibars or 14.7 pounds per square inch. This pressure can vary slightly due to changes in weather patterns and altitude above sea level.

Are normal air pressure is at sea level 10 pounds per square inch?


What is the pressure difference between earth sea level and outer space?

The pressure at sea level on Earth is about 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi), while the pressure in outer space is close to zero psi. This means that there is a pressure difference of 14.7 psi between sea level on Earth and outer space.

On the surface of the earth every square inch of air exerts lbs of?

about 14.6 pounds, at sea level

Why pressure is used?

Pressure is simply a measurement of force distributed across an area. For example, the pressure that the atmosphere exerts at sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch. This means that every square inch of our body's exterior surface area experiences 14.7 pounds of force. This force is beneficial however because our bodies are designed to function in that environment. Were you referring to a particular use of pressure? In weather, for example?

How much pressure is pushing on us on earth?

The average atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth is about 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi) or 101.3 kilopascals (kPa). This pressure is due to the weight of the air above us in the atmosphere pushing down on the Earth's surface.