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At sea level, one square inch of surface area is under approximately 14.7 pounds of pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere above it.

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Q: At sea level square inch of surface area is under almost how many pounds of pressure?
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At sea level a square inch of surface is under almost how many pounds of pressure?

At sea level, a square inch of surface is under approximately 14.7 pounds of pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere above it. This pressure is known as one atmosphere or 1 atm.

What is the pressure at the surface of water?

The pressure at the surface of water is equal to atmospheric pressure. On average, this is about 101.3 kilopascals or 14.7 pounds per square inch at sea level.

What is 30 pounds of pressure?

30 pounds of pressure refers to the amount of force applied over a specific area. It means that 30 pounds of force is being distributed evenly over each square inch of the surface receiving the pressure.

What is 100 pounds per square foot?

100 pounds per square foot (also denoted 100 psf) is most likely a pressure value. Think of it as having a block of steel 1 ft by 1 ft, weight of 100 pounds, and placing it on a flat surface. The pressure on the flat surface from the block of steel equally distributed over the 1 square foot area is 100 psf.

The force pushing on a surface or area?

The force pushing on a surface or area is called pressure. It is calculated by dividing the force by the area over which the force is applied. Pressure is measured in units such as pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi).

What is measured in terms of weight of air per unit surface area?

Air pressure is measured in pounds per square inch or psi.

What is the pressure the atmosphere exerts against the surface of the earth?

'Standard' atmospheric pressure is 14 pounds per square inch - or.. one 'bar'.

What is the Pressure at 1200 feet below sea level?

The pressure at 1200 feet below sea level is approximately 517.2 pounds per square inch (psi). This value is calculated using the formula: pressure = depth × density of seawater × acceleration due to gravity.

What is the force acting on a unit area of a surface?

The force acting on a unit area of a surface is known as pressure. Pressure is calculated by dividing the force perpendicular to the surface by the area over which the force is distributed. It is typically measured in units such as Pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi).

What would the pressure be at the surface of water?

The pressure at the surface of water is typically equivalent to atmospheric pressure, which is around 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi) or 101.3 kilopascals (kPa). This pressure is created by the weight of the air above the water pushing down on it.

What is the force exerted on surface divided by the area over whech the force is exerted?

The force exerted on a surface divided by the area over which the force is exerted gives the pressure acting on that surface. Pressure is defined as force per unit area and is measured in units like Pascals or pounds per square inch (PSI).

How do you calcuate the amount of pressure on an object?

Pressure is calculated by dividing the force acting on an object by the surface area over which the force is distributed. The formula for pressure is P = F/A, where P is pressure, F is force, and A is surface area. Pressure is typically measured in units of Pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi).