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The vertical edge on the left of the box marks the lower (1st) quartile.

The vertical edge on the right of the box marks the upper (3rd) quartile.

The median (or 2nd quartile) is indicated by the vertical line in the middle of the box.

The box may be drawn vertically in which case the bottom of the box is the lower (1st) quartile, the top of the box is the upper (3rd) quartile and the band in the middle is the 2nd quartile (or median).

The whiskers on the end of the box vary.

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Q: How many quartiles does a whisker box plot have?
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A box and whisker plot has 4?

A box and whisker plot has four quartiles in which its data is spread across.

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What type of graph is best suited for graphing the quartiles of a set of data?

A Box and Whisker Plot

What type of graph is best for revealing the upper and lower quartiles of a set of data?

box-and-whisker plot

What does a box and whisker plot show about the data?

It is marked by the minimum, and maximum, the median, as well as the lower and upper quartiles. It also shows the skewness of the data.

What is an example for a box and whisker plot?

the example for the box and whisker plot is THESE NUTSS

What do box and whisker plots tell you about data that measures of central tenancy do not?

The box and whisker plot informs you of the 5 number summary, which comprises of the minimum and maximum, the median, and the first and third quartiles. The minumum and maximum give you the range, which is not given by measures of central tendancy. also, if it a modified box and whisker plot, outliers will be marked separatley from the rest of the plot, outliers are also not included in the measures of center.

How do you do a box and whisker plot?

A box and whisker plot is used to show range, you must first find out the quartiles. The first quartile is the left edge of the box, the third quartile is the right edge of the box and the median is the line in the middle. The whiskers are the highest and lowest values in your data set. Sometimes if you have a value in your data that is a long way out then you may not use it as a whisker, this is an outlier.A boxplot is a way of depicting groups of numerical data. They have many lines extending vertically from the whiskers (boxes).

What is an box an whisker plot?

A box and whisker plot is a sort of graph used to show a period of time such as a time line or a line graph. To really found out what a box and whisker plot is you should ask a teacher

Is a box and whisker plot the same as a regular box plot?


How do you make a misleading box and whisker plot?

how about you tell me what a misleading box and whisker plot is first and then ill answer ur question ;)

What is the lower quartile on a box and whisker plot?

The lower quartile is the line that represents the left-hand edge of the "box", in the box and whisker plot.