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you can miss 12 questions

30 right = 30/42 = 71%

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Q: How many questions can you miss to get 71 percent on a 42 question test with each question being one point each?
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1% It depends on where the decimal point is supposed to be in that question - since does not allow punctuation in the questions, try writing "point" where the decimal is supposed to be.

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Because then that answers the question. Questions are made to be found out. Not for fun.

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the answer to the question is 60%

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I think it depends on the grading scale. However, if each was worth a point then maybe you could only miss 15 questions to get an 85%.

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The same way you grade any test - you add up how many questions the student got correct and then divide that by the total number of questions. In order to change that into percentage, you then multiply that number by 100.For example, if someone got 92 out of 110 questions right, their score would be 92/100 = 0.836 x 100 = 83.6 percent.

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If you have ordered questions into bullet points then each question (or bullet point) should end with a question mark.

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This question has been set up as a merge point for test questions that have been copied and pasted to WikiAnswers.

How many questions can you miss to get an 84 percent on a 100 point test?

You can only miss 16 points on a 100 point test in order to get an 84%. If the questions are worth 2 points EACH, you can miss 8. If the questions are worth 4 points each, you can only miss 4 questions.

How many questions can you miss on a 60 question tes to still pass?

If C is passing and its a 10 point scale then.. you can only miss 18 questions.

What would your grade be if you missed 25 questions out of 100?

Your grade would be 75 if you missed 25 questions out of 100. If there are 100 questions, each question would be worth one point.