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15 5 point questions and 30 2 point questions.

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Q: What is th awnser to You are taking a test worth 135 points there are a total of 45 questions there are 5 point questions and two point questions. How many 2 point quesions are there?
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Does mathematical intelligence is related in taking mathematics courses?

No. But taking mathematical courses will give you the tools to work with, it will train your mind to think mathematically and it will give you mathematical questions on which to work.No. But taking mathematical courses will give you the tools to work with, it will train your mind to think mathematically and it will give you mathematical questions on which to work.No. But taking mathematical courses will give you the tools to work with, it will train your mind to think mathematically and it will give you mathematical questions on which to work.No. But taking mathematical courses will give you the tools to work with, it will train your mind to think mathematically and it will give you mathematical questions on which to work.

How do you draw 4 non collinear points and join them taking two points at a time?

Take the 4 corners (vertices) of any 4-sided figure (quadrilateral). Draw the quadrilateral and its diagonals.

How do i find ou how many point that i earned?

You can find out how many points you have earned in different ways depending on what the points are for. If you are taking a test, you can ask your teacher. If you are an athlete, you can check your stats at the end of the game.

Need a 70 to pass a test of 16 questions how many questions can you miss?

To get seventy percent or better on a quiz of 16 questions one needs 11.2 answers correctly answered. So it is best not to miss 4 but definitely not to miss 5 or more. This answer is arrived at by taking the 16 questions and multiplying by .70 (70 percent) or 16 x .70 = 11.2.

How do you get the slope of a line on a graph?

Take a tangent at the point where you want the slope. Then the slope of the graph at that point is the slope of the tangent, which is found by taking another point on the tangent and then taking the change in y between the two points and divid it by the change in x.

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how to respond to patients' questions or concerns regarding the taking of dental images

Where do you get points?

You get points by taking care of your pets and loving them! You can also earn points by being in Bark mode for 2 min.

How many questions are in the EOCT?

it depends on what subject your taking it on but they usually 80 questions long

What is the T-system for taking notes known as?

The T-system for taking notes is known as the Cornell Note-taking System. It involves dividing your notes into different sections, typically with a main section for lecture notes, a cue column for key points or questions, and a summary section for reviewing key ideas.

Does anyone actually answer these questions?

Yes, people do answer these questions, usually if they know the answer and feel like taking the time to do it.

Why are users taking so much time to answer simple questions?

Because users like complex questions.

How many lines can you draw through three given points taking two at a time if the points are collinear?


Are facts and figures are examples of variables?

well,im not sure but im pretty sure it is im still taking test on it in collage rigth now once i found the awnser i posted it

How do you get club Nintendo points without codes?

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What are the release dates for Rachael Ray - 2006 Nate Berkus Taking Questions - 3.40?

Rachael Ray - 2006 Nate Berkus Taking Questions - 3.40 was released on: USA: 29 October 2008

Are the answers on this website legit?

Yes, most of the answers on WikiAnswers are legitimate answers. You can tell if they are legit answers by the user's trust points. ID's do not have trust points, and you are taking a chance at taking their answer as legit since they do not have trust points. Most of the answers on WikiAnswers are in fact legitimate answers.

If a segment connecting two points is you can find the distance between the points by subtracting the x coordinates and taking the absolute value?
