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Well, it depends on the radius of your steps...each machine is different. Try this, at least to get a good estimate (NOT AN EXACT ANSWER): Find a way to measure the length of the stride. (aka how far your foot moves from when it's the farthest back to the farthest forward....this would be the diameter of the circle you make with one foot) Let's say it was 20 inches (that's what mine was) Now you need to figure out the circumference.... (diameter X pie) In our example 20 X 3.14= 62.8 inches This is (about) how many inches you would travel per step There are about 63360 inches in a mile, so to complete our equation: 63,360 divided by 62.8 = 1008.9 Remember, this is an estimate for an machine with a 20 inch diameter: every 1008.9 steps equals a mile. NOTE: if you're reading the number off the machine, take note of what it is referring to as a "step" This equation is based on right foot=step one, left foot=step two.....right foot=step three....left foot=step four....etc (some machines consider one full revolution to be one right foot AND one left which case, just divide by two)

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Q: How many revolutions on a nordic track elliptical is a mile?
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Is the Nordic track elliptical that much better than a regular treadmill?

Yes they say the Nordic track elliptical is better then the regular treadmill. Which I believe is true as it is more then than a regular treadmill and has many upgrades on it. Here is a site to checkout on this

What are the benefits from using Nordic Track Elliptical Trainers?

Nordic track elliptical trainers are more beneficial to the user for a couple reasons. First of all it gives a more compact design so if space is limited you may prefer this type of elliptical. It also puts the pedals closer together and holds the user more upright on the elliptical. Many people find that this is more comfortable for them as it more closely imitates the body's natural alignment.

What unit of distance is used on the Nordic Track Audiostrider 800?

I read an artice online where the guy used a math equation to figure this out. His outcome was 1 mile equals about 1,008 revolutions. UPDATE: In his example, yes. That example used a formula for finding the circumference of his elliptical "wheel" - C=d(PI) (PI calculated only to 3.14159265, but that's good enough for this exercise) The diameter of his "wheel" was 20", therefore C = 20(3.14159265) or 62.831853" Converted to feet - 62.831853/12 = 5.236' So, then it's simple math to figure out how many revolutions per mile - in this case 1008 (5280/5.236) So *IF* your elliptical's wheel is 20", then yes, approximately 1008 revolutions. But following this logic, you can figure it out for your own elliptical quite easily.

Is there a payment plan for the Nordic track elliptical treadmill?

There are many payment options when it comes to purchasing exercise equipment. Amazon has many different options and can offer good payment plans for this.

What exactly is a nordic elliptical?

Elliptical are very popular work out machines used in gyms. They are a cross between a bike and a treadmill and offer a great workout with the benefits of less strain on your body. For more information I would suggest going to your local gym.

How many elliptical revolutions are in a mile?

The amount of elliptical revolutions per mile can vary with the machine. For example if an elliptical machine has an 18 inch stride then the revolutions per mile would be 1760.

Is it a good investment to purchase a nordic elliptical?

Nordic elliptical trainers and machines have proven effective for many. They take up very little space in the home, and provide a good cardiovascular workout. These machines have remained popular for many years, and have been on the market much longer than many of their competitors.

How many styles of Nordic Track Treadmills exist?

There are currently 4 styles of Nordic Track Treadmills. This are the Fitness series, Elite series, the Interactive series and the Incline series and can be ordered from them direct.

How many revolutions are there in a mile on a Proform XP 130 with the ifit feature?

640 revolutions completed the on-screen track which takes about 15 minutes at an average speed, so I would assume that the complete track represents a mile.

What is the going rate for a new Nordic Tract Elliptical?

As with many items, the rate for a Nortic Tract Elliptical machine is dependent on various factors. Brand new, the cost ranges from as low $1200 to as much as $2000 depending on the site or business selling it.

What should I look for in used elliptical equipment for use in a home gym?

Besides price, the main things you need to do are make sure the equipment is still in safe, usable condition and still works if there's an electronic component. There are many quality elliptical machines for use at home. Check for quality components and smooth movements. Check for stability and make sure the components don't give too much. Nordic-track makes quality ellipticals that should last for years.

How many revolutions are in a weslo elliptical mile?

OK when i called the weslo company they said 300 revoultions = 1 mile and 10rpm=2mph, has anybody else had any luck figuring this out?