459,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,, plus a lot more 0's.
There are a number of ways to reduce violence in schools. One of the best is to increase the number of faculty. However, financial constraints make this difficult. Thus, many schools have initiated anti-violence and anti-bullying programs which educate students about recognizing and putting a stop to each.
there 13262 schools in America
they dont have very many schools
In total? It's impossible to say. Though on average there are 4,400 suicide deaths of young people every year, and studies have shown approximately half of these are due to bullying.
Well in my school there are not that many people that bullies me because if they do then they wil get slapped right in the face.
When I was in school there was at least 2 bullies in each class. Now we have gangs and the number is unknowable and high.
5 schools
alot of people is getting hurt from bullying
You should search the internet for homophobic bullying policy schools and see what you get. There's no way of knowing EXACTLY how many schools, but if you find two or three and see if they cover bullying for sexual orientation you should be able to find enough information for a small report.
Students in high school face many struggles nowadays. One of the worst problems in school these days are bullying. Many schools are actively trying to stop the problem.
There are no statistics at present regarding boardings schools and bullying than in normal schools because many victims of bullying do not report it, but, since boarding schools (some such as Catholic Boarding Schools or well noted boarding schools) have fewer students; stricter rules than normal schools there is far less bullying in boarding schools.
Physical and verbal bullying are both major problems. physical bullying can lead to many problems with health and emotions. verbal bullying can be just as big a toll. if you, your child, or your friend is being bullied, then talk to a teacher, principal or counselor. These people can help find solutions to the bullying problem. Good luck!
Bullying is a very serious problem in schools worldwide. Every school has some form of bullying, and it is unavoidable. I believe teachers need to be trained to deal with bullying better, as many simply ignore it rather than acting upon what they see. Generally private schools have less bullying than public schools, but they still have the problem. Being bullied as a child affects a person for the rest of their life, and can lead them to depression and perhaps eventually suicide.
Bullying is the unwanted aggressive behavior observed in the school going kids. Bullying can be of many types they are teasing, talking about hurting someone, leaving kids out on purpose, attacking kids and hitting them hard, spreading rumors etc. Kids bully others for fun, think bullying helps them to fit in, and also think that he is better than the kid whose getting bullied. These people use their power to hit the people. The children who are bullying can have problems when they grow up older, like using alcohol and drugs, aggressively getting into fights and dropping the school. There is no bullying in the home schools because children will not be attending the school physically. There is less scope for the home schooled students to meet the group of children like traditional schools. The kids will be in the parent's supervision in the home school. Bullying doesn't happen in the home schools.
it doesnt bullying will keep on continueing even if there is no school unforms
Bullying awareness has become a key issue for many. Schools have started teaching bullying awareness. Many television personalities have also taken up the cause. There is information available from local counselling and mental health associations as well as from local governments and libraries. Searching the web can be a very helpful source of information on bullying as well.