120 seconds.
2 hrs, 9 mins 58 seconds
There are 5,400 seconds in an hour and a half.
24 mins
There are thirty minutes in one half hour.
150 seconds
120 seconds.
2 hrs, 9 mins 58 seconds
There are 5,400 seconds in an hour and a half.
(1/4 * 1/3 * 1/2) * 60 mins = 1/24 * 60 = 2 1/2 minutes or 2.5 minutes or 2 minutes 30 seconds.
60 seconds in 1 minute Hence in 2 minutes, there will be 60 x 2 = 120 seconds.
1000 seconds, if you meant minutes, there are 16 and 2/3 mins in 1000 secs
(25,600 seconds) / (60 seconds per minute) = 426 and 2/3 minutes
30 minutes is 1/2 an hour or 0.5 of an hour
24 mins
to break it down for a better understanding of how i got my answer.... 60 seconds = 1min 60 minutes = 1 hour 24 hours = 1 day 365 days = 1 year 60 secs * 60 mins = 3600 seconds in an hour 3600 seconds per hour = 86,400 seconds per day (24 hours) 86,400 seconds a day * 365 days (a year) = 31,536,000 x 2 (years) ___________ ~ 63,072,000 secs for 2 years