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Q: How many seconds are needed by a car whose speed is 40 km hr to cover a distance of 8 km?
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What is the rate at which you cover a certain distance?

The rate at which you cover a certain distance is known as your speed. It is typically measured in units such as miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph). Your speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to cover that distance.

How do you Determine the speed of an object that traveled 50 meters in 2 seconds?

Speed = (distance traveled) divided by (time to cover the distance) Speed = (50 meters) / (2 seconds) Speed = 50 meters per 2 seconds Speed = 25 meters per second

What are the to quantities needed in describing the speed of an moving object?

The two quantities needed to describe the speed of a moving object are distance traveled and time taken to cover that distance. Speed is calculated by dividing the distance by the time.

Which two measurements are needed to determine the speed of an object?

To determine the speed of an object, you would need to know the distance it has traveled and the time it took to cover that distance. Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to cover that distance.

A baseball is thrown a distance of 20 meters what is its speed if it takes 0.5 seconds to cover its distance?

The speed of the baseball can be calculated using the formula: speed = distance / time. Plugging in the values, we get speed = 20 meters / 0.5 seconds = 40 meters per second. Thus, the speed of the baseball is 40 m/s.

How do you determine feet per second?

To determine feet per second, divide the distance in feet by the time in seconds it takes to cover that distance. The formula for calculating speed is Speed = Distance / Time. For example, if an object travels 60 feet in 10 seconds, the speed would be 60 feet / 10 seconds = 6 feet per second.

How do I solve 'the mean speed in feet per seconds' if I can cover 90 feet in 4.5 seconds?

"Mean" means "average"= (distance covered) divided by (time to cover the distance)= ( 90 / 4.5 ) = 20 feet per second

How many seconds to cover a mile at 550 mph?

It would take approximately 3.6 seconds to cover a mile at a speed of 550 mph. This can be calculated by dividing the distance (1 mile) by the speed (550 mph) and converting the result to seconds.

How many seconds will it take to cover 17 miles going 49 MPH?

Time = Distance / Speed = 17/49 = 0.347 hours = 1248.98 seconds

What is the speed of a fall of 80 feet in 2.5 seconds?

average speed = (distance) / (time to cover the distance) = (80/2.5) = 32 ft/sec.We know that the speed was not constant during the 2.5 seconds. But with the information given,32 ft/sec average is the only thing we can calculate.

What speed to cover 48 meters in 2.2 seconds?

Speed = Distance / Time So 48/2.2 = 21.8 metres per second (1 decimal place)

Equation to find speed?

Speed = (Distance)/(Time to cover the distance)