About 6.24 seconds at 45mph to travel 412 feet.
4.5 seconds.
At 100 mph, an object is traveling about 146.67 feet every second. Therefore, to travel 60 feet at 100 mph would require about 0.41 seconds.
At 55 mph you are moving at about 80.667 feet every second. So, in 11 seconds, you would travel about 887.337 feet. (80.667 x 11 = 887.337)
0.52 seconds.
About 6.24 seconds at 45mph to travel 412 feet.
1.065 seconds.
To convert speed from miles per hour to feet per second, you need to multiply by 1.46667. So at 25 miles per hour, you are traveling at approximately 36.67 feet per second. To travel 100 feet at this speed, it would take around 2.73 seconds.
1,170.91 miles per hour.
4.5 seconds.
At 100 mph, an object is traveling about 146.67 feet every second. Therefore, to travel 60 feet at 100 mph would require about 0.41 seconds.
146.66 feet every 10 seconds at 10 mph.
Traveling at 60 miles per hour, you would cover 88 feet in 6 seconds.
To calculate the speed, you would divide the distance traveled by the time it took to travel that distance. In this case, traveling 5000 feet in 30 seconds means you are traveling at a speed of 166.67 feet per second.
At 55 mph you are moving at about 80.667 feet every second. So, in 11 seconds, you would travel about 887.337 feet. (80.667 x 11 = 887.337)
It will take approximately 9.92 seconds to travel 582 feet at 40mph.
You are traveling at 5.18 miles per hour at 76 feet per 10 seconds.