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Q: How many seconds of daylight are added after the winter sulcus?
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Are 1 minute and 60 seconds the same?

Yes, usually. Most minutes have 60 seconds; although now and then a leap second is added.

How many seconds are in 18 yrs?

Allowing for leap years, there are 6573, 6574 or 6575 days in 18 years. That is equivalent to 567907200, 567993600 or 568080000 seconds respectively. Furthermore, there may be some leap seconds - usually added but occasionally subtracted.

How many seconds since January 21 1953?

The number of seconds since 21 January has changed since I started calculating, Drat, I will just have to ... Oh no, its changed again. Also, I need to get information on all the leap-seconds that have been added.

What fraction of an hour is 39 seconds?

It is 39/3600, which can be simplified but you may prefer to wait until you are sure there no other fractions of an hour to be added or subtracted.

How many seconds are in 53 years?

1 666 828 800 is the number of seconds in 53 years. * * * * * I disagree. 53 years can contain 12 to 14 leap years: 12 if it start on an ordinary year and includes a century year which is not a multiple of 400, 14 if it starts and finishes with a leap year and 13 otherwise. That is 19,357 or 19,358 or 19,359 days. Each day is 24 hours: so the above gives 503,282 or 503,308 or 503,334 hours. Each hour = 3600 seconds so the answers are: 1,672,444,800 seconds or 1,672,531,200 seconds or 1,672,617,600 seconds, Then, just to complicate matters, the earth's year is not a constant and from time to time leap seconds are added (and less often) subtracted. There is no systematic patter to leap seconds. In any case, the previous answer would imply 19,292 days which is way short of the 19,345 days required by 53 ordinary years.

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No sports will be added in the 2018 Winter Olympics.

If your dog nocks off a pole in agility how many seconds are added?

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How much time is added to daylight each day after the winter solstice -?

After the winter solstice, the amount of daylight added each day gradually increases. Initially, only a few seconds are added, but as we approach the spring equinox, the days get longer more quickly. By the time of the summer solstice, the amount of daylight added each day starts to decrease again.

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day as in daylight

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Which event is the newest to the winter olympic?

Ski cross was added to the list of events at the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. Women's ski jumping is likely to be added at the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi.

When were the winter games added to the Olympics?

in 1924

How many minutes of daylight are added each day after December 21st in North America?

In North America, after December 21st, the winter solstice, the amount of daylight increases by approximately 2-3 minutes per day as we move towards the spring equinox in March.

What year did the winter Olympics get added to the games?


How many seconds are there in each minute?

Answer: There are 60 seconds in a minute. Answer: Usually 60. In rare cases a leap second is added, for a total of 61 seconds.

When were winter games added to Olympic games?

1924, the first Winter games.

What Olympic change occurred in 1924?

in 1924 the winter Olympics were added