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Q: How many sevenths make one half?
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What one is greater one half or four sevenths?

four sevenths

How do you round 3 sevenths?

To the nearest half, one half

Is 4 sevenths closer to 1 or one half?

1 half

What is four sevenths minus one half?

one fourteenth

How many 7 eights make one whole?

Eight sevenths of them.

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How do you divide five sevenths by one half?

Times it reduce if possible

What is one half plus two sevenths?

0.78571428571 Feel free to round it :)

Is three sevenths closer to one half or zero?

Closer to 1/2

What is six sevenths rounded to the nearest one half?

6/7 = 0.857 0.857 to the nearest one half is just 1.000

What is the least common denominator of 4 sevenths and one half?

Fourteenths (eight and seven)

Is five sevenths closer to one half or one?

5/7 is closer to 1/2 than to 1.