I assure you that their number is beyond human count -that is why we use 'estimates'.
If you live East of the Atlantic Ocean (ex. North America), you would use miles. If you live West of the Atlantic Ocean (ex. Europe), you would use kilometers
yes, bull sharks.
In many countries there are no limits on what loan sharks can charge.
Many animals that have a ton of weight. Elephant. Whale. Rhino. Water Horse. Crocodiles. Sharks.
how many sharks are there in the ocean
about 100,000 shark live in the ocean in the US
if you mean "Do sharks live in the ocean?" Then yes sharks live in the ocean they can only survive in salt water
There are no sharks that live in Spain. Sharks live in the sea/ocean.
sharks live in every ocean but 70% of oceans are fry of sharks
great white sharks live by the vancover islands
no sharks only live in the ocean. :)
they live in the ocean
Sharks are not territorial animals. By this they change their habitat occasionally. Sharks live in the ocean.
There are many animals that live in the Indian Ocean, of which all are wonderful and unique; but not Sharks, much anymore.
minight zone
in the ocean