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Q: How many shilling add up to a Hindi?
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Worth of a shilling in 1824?

An 1824 shilling in mint condition is worth up to 450 pounds ($675)

How many sixpences make one half-crown?

Five. A sixpence (when they were in use, up to about 1970) was worth half a shilling. A crown = five shilling, so a half-crown = 2 and a half shillings.

What is the meaning of kasuri methi in hindi?

Kasuri methi in Hindi refers to dried fenugreek leaves. It is a popular herb commonly used in Indian cooking to add a unique flavor and aroma to dishes.

How many degrees does an arrowhead or delta add up to add up to?

ANY triangle MUST add up to 180 degrees.

What do you call 'surname' in Hindi?

Surname is called 'up-naam' Hindi.

What is one shilling in us money?

Up until about 1970 the UK had a shilling, worth about 12 cents. The shilling was a 20th of a pound, now replaced by 5 pence. Austria used to have a unit of currency named the schilling, but that has been replaced by the euro.

How many degrees does a 6 side polygon add up to?

Exterior angles add up to 360 degrees Interior angles add up to 720 degrees.

What integers add up to 96?

Many of them.

How many degrees is a pentagon?

Interior angles add up to 540. Exterior angles add up to 360.

The angles to a triangle should add up to how many degrees?

The angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees.

How many degrees does a supplementary angle add up to?

Supplementary angles are 2 angles that add up to 180°. Complementary angles are 2 angles that add up to 90°.

What is the King's shilling?

Offering the "King's Shilling" was something of an enticement to lure men into military service many years ago. The men who accepted the "King's Shilling" were possibly drunk or desperate for the cash and found themselves signed up for a lengthy term in the service of His Majesty. The practice of offering the "King's Shilling" ceased many years ago and in todays litigious environment of OH&S and EEO, would probably be considered to be coercion, bribery, deceitful, an infringement of civil liberties or, at best, illegal.