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Q: How many sides do a geometric heart shape have.?
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What is the geometric shape does a virous prefer?

Viruses have different geometrical shapes, such as helical and polyhedral shapes. A particular polyhedral shape common to many viruses is a dodecahedron shape. This is a geometric shape that has 12 sides.

How many sides does a eight sided pentagon have?

This question is a paradox: in order to be a pentagon, a geometric shape must have five sides.

What looks like a polygon?

A geometric shape with many sides looks exactly like a polygon.

How many acute angles are in a heart?

A heart is not technically a geometric shape, but it depends on how you draw a heart. If the angles measure less than 90 degrees, they are acute angles.

How many parallel sides does a diamond have.?

A diamond has 2 sets of parallel sides.

How do you figure out how many vertices are in a geometric shape?

Well, you could always count them. Also, the number of sides is always equal to the number of vertices.

How many sides does a heptegan have?

A heptagon is a geometric figure with seven sides.

How polygon with many sides?

the grammar here is atrocious... a polygon is any shape or closed geometric line. It could be anywhere between 3 and up.

What geometric that has 3 sides. But how many diagonals does it have?

A triangle has 3 sides and no diagonals

Is a shield a geometric shape?

A shield consists of many geometric shapes. Depending on the shield it can contain arcs and triangles. Most objects contain some type of geometric shape.

Can you put the word tetrahedron in a sentence?

Sure! The tetrahedron is a geometric shape with four triangular faces, four vertices, and six edges.

How many corners and sides does the heart shape have?

2 side 2 corners and same lenght