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Q: How many sides does the pyramids have?
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How many sides there are to the great pyramids of Egypt?


Why are pyramids 3 sided?

pyramids have a triangular base. As a triangle has three sides, the pyramid will have three sides. Although you can get square based pyramids which have four sides. ---------------------------------------------- The Egyptian pyramids are 4 sided not 3 sided.

How many lateral faces do pyramids have?

Three or more, as many as the number of sides of the base. Pyramids can have base that are triangles, squares rectangles, or any planar polygon.

How many sides does the pyramids of Giza valley have?

Four? Actually, there are 8 sides. And these 8 sides can only be seen during the equinox . that means 9

Total number of sides of a pyramids face is 20 how many edges does the pyramid have?

it has 80 that is the answer

What were the sides of the pyramids covered in?


How many sides to surrounding pyramids at louvre?

There are three, plus the ground, which forms the the fourth side.

What is similar from Egypt and Aztec?

Egyptian pyramids are vaguely similar to Aztec ziggurats; pyramids have smooth sides, while ziggurats often have stepped sides.

How many sides does a square pyrimid has?

The same as other pyramids -- 5. 4 triangles and one square.

Why do pyrimaids have 4 sides?

Not all pyramids have 4 sides. they can have 3 or more.

What type of pyramids are the great pyramids in Giza?

They are true pyramids with four sloping sides ending in a point and a square base (the fifth side).

What is a 2 dimension shape with forms of sides faces of pyramids?

the sides of a pyramid are triangles