

Best Answer

Sides = 2 (front and back)

Corners = 6 (mostly)

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Q: How many sides is there on a snowflake?
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What is a Christmas decorations with 6 sides?

a snowflake???

How many sides does a snowflake have?

They usually have 6 sides unless they are damaged.

Is the Koch Snowflake a fractal?

Yes - as you "zoom in" on the sides of the snowflake, the same pattern occurs infinitely.

How many lines of symmetry does a snowflake have?

However many sides it has (normally six). sometimes special ones about 4-8

How many times is the image reflected in an 8-sided snowflake?

This would be about 16 times. You will get the image to double in the snowflake so having 8 sides will end up with 16 images.

How many fingers does a snowflake have?

A snowflake typically has 6 branches or arms, so it could be said to have 6 "fingers" in a metaphorical sense.

How many sides does a snowlflake have?

A snowflake typically has six sides. Each side is known as a branch or arm, and this hexagonal symmetry is a result of water molecules arranging themselves in a specific pattern as they freeze.

What is the sum of the number of days in Hanukkah and the number of sides of a snowflake?


Can the barometric pressure affect how may sides a snowflake has?

While various factors influence snowflake formation, such as temperature and humidity, there is no direct scientific evidence that suggests barometric pressure affects the number of sides a snowflake has. The intricate structure of a snowflake is mainly determined by the molecule-by-molecule growth as it falls through different temperature and humidity conditions in the atmosphere.

How many lines of symmetry is a 8 sided snowflake?

Assuming all the sides are identical and symmetrical, 16. One through each side and one between each two sides.

What is the sum of sides of a snowflake?

Most, but not all, snowflakes are six sided

The sum of the number of days in Hanukkah and the number of sides in a snowflake?

There are 8 days of Hanukkah; and snowflakes have six sides or angles.