

How many solids have 5 faces?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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12y ago

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The only regular 3D shapes I can think of with 5 faces are the square-based pyramid and the triangular prism (which is shaped like a Toblerone bar).

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Q: How many solids have 5 faces?
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You probably mean the Platonic Solids, they are the only five shapes constructed from the same faces.

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There are no regular solids with an odd number of sides and therefore no regular solids with 5 faces. For this reason there is no give name, as such, for a 5 faced solid. There are however non-regular solids which have 5 faces, such as a square pyramid and a triangle cylinder.

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1. triangular prism it has 2 triangular faces. 2.triangular base pyramid, it has 5 triangular faces. 3. square base pyramid, it has 4 triangular faces.

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Many solids have no rectangular faces, including such forms as the hexagonal pyramid and the regular octahedron.

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Assuming that "equal ladder" is meant to be equilateral, the answer is a tetrahedron, one of the 5 Platonic solids.

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