120 VAR
1 var means how many sq ft?
What is the meaning of var-var vachne(marathi sent) in marathi
There are three syllables. Var-i-ous.
1 sq
1 Var (var) = 9.0 Square Feet (Square Feet) source= changeunit. com/unit/area/convert-from-var-to-square-feet/
120 VAR
1var= 9SquareFeet
1 square VAR = 7.7 Square feet
1 var means how many sq ft?
In India, the unit "var" (also spelled as "bigha var" or "bigha varai") is commonly used in some states like Gujarat for measuring land. One var is equivalent to 1 square yard. To convert square yards to square feet, we use the conversion factor: 1 square yard = 9 square feet Therefore, 1 var = 9 square feet.
1.196 var, approx.
The question is a bit unclear, but if you are asking how many "var" are in 1 meter, it depends on the context of the term "var." In the Indian system of measurement, 1 var is equal to approximately 0.9144 meters. So, in this context, there would be about 1.0936 vars in 1 meter. However, if you are referring to a different system or definition of "var," the conversion would vary.
What is the meaning of var-var vachne(marathi sent) in marathi