According to the Energy Star chart, 12,000 BTUs will cool a room of 450 up to 550 square feet. I'd stay on the low end of that.
1500 sq ft.
It depends on where it is. In my house, the answer is Zero.
The air conditioner requires power. Power comes from the engine which burns gas. So not only are you powering the vehicle down the road, you are powering the air conditioning unit also.
A 5,000 t0 7,000 BTU should cool it nicely. If there is no insulation, maybe lean toward the 7,000
If your air conditioner is set to cool and it is heating you have a broken thermostat.
cool air
a air conditioner an cool you down
it's an air conditioner because you made it into cool
with an air conditioner
One air conditioner alone will be inadequate to cool a large 5 bedroom home.
No. Running an air conditioner on fan does not cost as much as running on cool.
form_title= Wall Air Conditioner form_header= Install a wall air conditioner and keep cool. How many rooms do you want to install the A/C?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} How many rooms do you need to keep cool?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} Do you want an energy efficient air conditioner?*= () Yes () No
600 square feet.
1500 sq ft.
No. While the air conditioner is on, keep the windows closed to keep the cool air from escaping to the outside.