If you are asking for "square" feet, the depth is irrelevent.
The area would be 85 square feet
If you want a figure which takes the depth of 4 inches into the account, the number of "cubic feet" would be roughly 28 cubic feet.
A circle with a radius of 80 inches has an area of 139.6 square feet A circle with a circumference of 40.5 feet has an area of 130.5 square feet
A circle that is 4 feet 6 inches in diameter has an area of: 15.904 square feet.
If the radius of a circle is 80 inches, then the area of the circle is 139.6263 square feet. (rounded)
26 square feet.
One cubic yard covers 81 square feet 4 inches thick.
A circle with a radius of 80 inches has an area of 139.6 square feet A circle with a circumference of 40.5 feet has an area of 130.5 square feet
A circle that is 4 feet 6 inches in diameter has an area of: 15.904 square feet.
16277.76 sq. inches
If the radius of a circle is 80 inches, then the area of the circle is 139.6263 square feet. (rounded)
The area of a circle with the diameter of 28 inches is: 615.8 square inches OR 4.28 square feet.
A circle with a diameter of 14 feet 9 inches has an area of: 170.87 square feet.
26 square feet.
The area of a circle with diameter of 24 inches is: 452.4 square inches OR 3.1416 square feet (Pi).
A 36-inch diameter circle has an area of: 1,017.9 square inches.* * * * *which is 7.07 square feet.
15745 cu-ft or 583 cu-yd of sand
A circle with a diameter of 300 inches has an area of 490.87 square feet.
A 20-inch diameter circle contains: 314.16 square inches.