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Area of circle = pi times radius squared. First convert the radius into just feet. 6 ft. and 6 in. is 6.5 ft. A = 3.14 x (6.5)2 = 3.14 x 42.5 = 132.665.

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Q: How many square feet are in a circle with a radius of six feet and 6 inches?
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If a circle's radius is 240 inches, its circumference is: 1,508 inches or 125.6 feet

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That quantity is usually called "area".The area of any circle is (pi) (radius)2 .Area = (pi) (11 inches)2 = 380.133 square inches (rounded)To convert square inchage to square footage, divide by 144.380.133 square inches = 2.64 square feet (rounded)

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The radius is 72 inches.