10,816 square feet. Multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.
624 cubic feet
Multiply the two dimensions to get the area. The calculation will give you 936 square feet. Divide by 9 and you get 104 square yards.
The area of Bagan is 104 square kilometers.
8 ft x 13 ft = 104 square feet
104 Square Feet
The area of this square is 104 square feet.
624 cubic feet
It is: 8*13 = 104 square feet
312 square feet, because there are 3 feet per yard, multiply 104 by three and you get 312
Multiply the two dimensions to get the area. The calculation will give you 936 square feet. Divide by 9 and you get 104 square yards.
The area of Bagan is 104 square kilometers.
8 ft x 13 ft = 104 square feet
If the units are in feet, i.e. 8 feet, by 13 feet, then there are 13x8 = 104 square feet.
104 Square Feet
104 square feet = 9.66192 square meters.