435 square feet
80 decimal = 34848 sq feet approx.
1 decimal equals how many square feet
In Bangladesh, decimal is still used in some places as land measurement. Usually one decimal equals 100 acres and one acre equals 43559.99 square feet. You can now easily convert decimal to square feet! so 43559.99 square feet times by 100 equals 4355999 square feet in one decimal.
435.6 sq feet
Noramally 1 katha=720 Sq. feet. But in many places it has different value. In Patna, 1 Khata = 1361 sqft.
One decimal = 435.6 square feet.
1 decimal = 435.6 square feet.
435 square feet
1 decimal = 435.6 sq feet.
80 decimal = 34848 sq feet approx.
There are no decimal spaces here.
1 decimal equals how many square feet
3 decimal=1200aq ft
90 decimal = 39204 square feet.
A decimal point is a point, and that an ideal point has no dimensions (no width, no length, no height). So the answers is: there are no square feet in one decimal.
33,613,544,400 square feet or 33.6 billion square feet (rounded).