2006 km = 2 006 000 mTo convert from km to m, multiply by 1000.
0.00006 or .006%
the formula for wave velocity/speed is: velocity= wavelength * wave frequencyvelocity is measured in meters/second (m/s), wavelength is measured in meters(m), and wave frequency is measured in hertz(hz).your wavelength is in millimeters, so convert it to meters and you get .002 meters.now, fill[replace] in the numbers you know for the variables in the formula.velocity(m/s)= .002(m) * 3(hz) do the multiplication and you get .006 the speed is .006 meters/second(m/s)you're welcome! :)
2006 km = 2 006 000 mTo convert from km to m, multiply by 1000.
Since 12 cm is .12 m the scale is .12/20 = .006 . Meaning on the graph 1 m is represented by .006 m or .6 cm. So 15 m would be scaled down to 15 x .6 = 9 cm on the graph.
006 (ignore the noughts)
0.01% of 006 = 006*0.01/100 = 0.0006
0.00006 or .006%
.006 is smaller.
You calculate the volume then multiply by the density of the glass. The volume is 1 x 1 x .006 = .006 cu meters Density depends on glass type but is generally about 2200 kg/cu meter Weight = .006 x 2200 = 13.2 Kg
It equals: 6000 millimeters 600 centimeters 6 meters .6 dekameters .06 hectometers .006 kilometers
2 236 006 square kilometers, to which it should be added the Border States' area of 312, 473 square kilometers.
Elizabeth P. Crockett, Davy Crockett's second wife is buried in the Acton State Historical Site in Acton, TX. The state park is .006 acres in size.
the formula for wave velocity/speed is: velocity= wavelength * wave frequencyvelocity is measured in meters/second (m/s), wavelength is measured in meters(m), and wave frequency is measured in hertz(hz).your wavelength is in millimeters, so convert it to meters and you get .002 meters.now, fill[replace] in the numbers you know for the variables in the formula.velocity(m/s)= .002(m) * 3(hz) do the multiplication and you get .006 the speed is .006 meters/second(m/s)you're welcome! :)