85 miles
85 miles is greater.
The square root of 85 is 9.21954445729288707412Note: 9.21954445729288707412 x 9.21954445729288707412 = 85
Square root 85 = ± 9.2195444572929
85 square meters = 914.932 square feet (rounded)
The land area isn't large enough to be measured in square miles, however it is 6,964,250 square feet or 647,000 m2 It is 85 acres or 0.132812 square miles.
85 acres = 3,702,600ft²
An 85x207 lot is approximately 0.4 acres. To calculate the acreage, multiply the length by the width (85 x 207 = 17,595 square feet) and then divide by the number of square feet in an acre (43,560 square feet).
There are 43,560 square feet in an acre, so 85 acres would be equal to 3,697,800 square feet.
An acre has a total of 43,560 square feet. You divide the number of square feet by that and you get the number of acres. This gives you an answer of .293 acres.
One acre is 43,560 square feet. The conversion would be .0488 acres.
Disneyland itself is about 85 acres. Since a square mile is 640 acres, Disneyland is a little over an eighth of a square mile, some of which is "backstage" area not open to the general public.
Amsterdam covers an area of approximately 85 square miles.
17,000 square feet is 0.39 acres.
The Spanish municipality of Alameda is approximately 85 square kilometers.
0.98 acres.
It is approx 0.26 acres.