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Depends on your stride.

A mile is 5280 feet.


The Romans measured their miles in paces (strides). The term they used was "Mille passus" (a thousand paces). This distance was about 1620 yards in today's measure, slightly shorter than the 1760 yards in a modern mile. Using the Roman's pace and today's measurement this would make a modern mile 1086 paces.

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Q: How many strides are in a mile?
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How many steps are in 1 mile?

This depends...If you have longer legs you can take less steps to complete a mile. It all depends on your stride. A stride is how many feet or inches you walk each time you take a step. Shorter or younger people take smaller strides than taller people.If you have a standard 30" military stride, then there are about 2,112 steps in a mile.

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"Strides" is Australian slang for "trousers". Practical application: "Australians put their strides on one leg at a time." or "Ay, Mum, patch me strides will ya."

How many footsteps are in 5 miles?

The word mile comes from the Latin "mille passus" (a thousand paces) A pace is he distance between the placement of ones left or right foot and the next time it strikes the ground. The Roman mile was about 1,620 yards compared the modern mile's 1,760 yards.However given the variability of strides and leg lengths 1000 paces per mile is a good value. There are therefore 5,000 paces in 5 miles or 10,000 individual footfalls.

How do you use the word strides in a sentence?

My horse trainer counted my horse's strides.

How many days will it take to get to Florida from Michigan on foot?

How long is your stride and how many strides could you take in a week?

How many strides are there in 50 feet?

A stride is not a uniform measurement. The two units are therefore incompatible.