To see if 89% is less than eight ninths, we need to convert eight ninths to a decimal so that the two can be readily compared. We do this by multiplying 8 by 100 and dividing by 9 - 800 ÷ 9 = 88.8888888 (recurring) %. So, if the 89% is exact, then it is not less than eight ninths. Depending on the degree of precision required, 88.8888888% would usually be rounded up to 89% and in that case the two amounts would be considered equal.
56 of them.
A pound is equal to eight ounces, so you would multiply the number of pounds by eight to convert it to ounces.
To see if 89% is less than eight ninths, we need to convert eight ninths to a decimal so that the two can be readily compared. We do this by multiplying 8 by 100 and dividing by 9 - 800 ÷ 9 = 88.8888888 (recurring) %. So, if the 89% is exact, then it is not less than eight ninths. Depending on the degree of precision required, 88.8888888% would usually be rounded up to 89% and in that case the two amounts would be considered equal.
There is one third in five ninths, with a remainder of two ninths. Six ninths would be equal to two thirds.
Thankfully, 3 and 9 are related! Three times three equalsnine, so three times two (of those thirds) would equal six! Six ninths are equal to two thirds.
7/9 * 63 = 7*63/9 = 7*7 = 49
Eight stone is a measurement of weight commonly used in the United Kingdom. One stone is equal to 14 pounds, so eight stone would be equivalent to 112 pounds.
Eight eighths, or 8/8, does not equal to two, it equals to 1. 8/8 reduced would be 1/1, or simply, 1.
56 of them.
A pound is equal to eight ounces, so you would multiply the number of pounds by eight to convert it to ounces.
Please rephrase the question.