To see if 89% is less than eight ninths, we need to convert eight ninths to a decimal so that the two can be readily compared.
We do this by multiplying 8 by 100 and dividing by 9 - 800 ÷ 9 = 88.8888888 (recurring) %.
So, if the 89% is exact, then it is not less than eight ninths.
Depending on the degree of precision required, 88.8888888% would usually be rounded up to 89% and in that case the two amounts would be considered equal.
Four ninths is less than eight sixteenths.
Four fifths is less.
no,eight ninths is greater
No, it's not.
Eight ninths is 1.587% more than seven eighths.
No. 4 ninths is 444/9 percent.
No. Two Fifths = 0.4 Eight Ninths = 0.8889
Yes it is correct.
Yes it is.
There are 9 ninths in a unit - seven ninths is less than nine ninths, so 7/9 <1 To visualise it, try this: Cut a pizza into nine equal slices - if they are not equal, pretend they are. If you take seven of these nine slices, you have seven ninths of a pizza. Is that not less than the whole ONE?