One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000)There are five zeroes in 1 lakh.
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000). There are five zeros in 1 lakh. Three lakh is therefore three hundred thousand (300,000). There are therefore still 5 zeros in 3 lakh.
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000). There are five zeros in 1 lakh. Three lakh is therefore three hundred thousand (300,000). There are therefore still 5 zeros in 3 lakh.
Lakh is indeed the singular form of the word. A lakh, used as a number simplification system in countries such as India and Bangladesh, is equal to 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rupees.
one lakh forty thousand
One lakh is 100,000 do the answer is 10.
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000)
1.8 lakh crore how to wright
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000)There are five zeroes in 1 lakh.
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000). There are five zeros in 1 lakh. Three lakh is therefore three hundred thousand (300,000). There are therefore still 5 zeros in 3 lakh.
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000). There are five zeros in 1 lakh. Three lakh is therefore three hundred thousand (300,000). There are therefore still 5 zeros in 3 lakh.
Rs. 1,00,000/- or One hundred thousand rupees is one Lakh.
One lakh fifty thousand written in figures is 1,50,000. In the Indian numbering system, a lakh is equal to 100,000, so one lakh fifty thousand is equivalent to 150,000 in the standard numbering system used in many other countries.
It is -50000.If you meant one lakh fifty thousand, then it is 150000.
Lakh is indeed the singular form of the word. A lakh, used as a number simplification system in countries such as India and Bangladesh, is equal to 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rupees.
one lakh forty thousand
It is 10100.