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Q: How many times a month can you bath my 5 months old cavapoo?
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How often should you bath your cavapoo?

I currently have an almost 4 months cavapoo. I bathe her once every week. I have read many things about Cavapoo, but since Cavapoo breed is a designer dog, it is hard to find much information besides couple websites. I read that depending on cavapoo's coat time, you can do once every week or once every two weeks.

How many time take sauna bath and steam bath in one month?

three times aweek is sufficient in one week

How many times do you give a dwarf guinea pigs a bath a month?

Once or twice a month. You can do it beginning and end of each month or twice a month if it smells really bad.

What ages are nemo bath toys safe for?

I have a 7 month old daughter and I think that nemo bath toys would be appropriate for about ages 18 months of age and up. Before 18 months of age small children really can't utilize toys in the bath anyway, in my opinion.

How many times do you have to give your Labrador a bath?

Well since mine live outside we do it like once a month.

How often can you give your mini schnauzer a bath?

At least 3 times a month if needed.

What age can you introduce a puppy to swimming?

Puppies can be introduced to swimming as early as 8 weeks old. It's important to ensure that the water temperature is comfortable, introduce them gradually to the water, and provide plenty of encouragement and positive reinforcement during the process. Always supervise your puppy closely while they are learning to swim.

Can a 6 month year old puppy take a bath?

I think when you get a dog at first you should let it get use to your enviroment. At 6 months I think it's pretty grown. I would probrably give my puppy a bath.

How many bath should you wash your dog a A Month?

A dog should have one bath every week a month for optimal cleanliness.

What will happen if you give a dog a bath 2 times?

Two times when? A year, a month, a day, an hour? It wouldn't be good to give a dog a bath more than once a month (if they are a double coated dog- i.e. dog that shed a lot), because it can cause skin irritation. generally a double coated dog is fine to have a bath as few times as possible unless it's extremely dirty. a couple times a year (maybe one bath per season) would be fine. With single coated dogs that need professional grooming, some need to be bathed once a month, others more, it depends on the breed, the hair, the purpose (show dog? just a pet?).

When should you wash a puppy up?

any time is good for a bath i would say atleast once a month

Did the Victorians in Victorian Britain bath?

the victorians would have a bath at least once a month if they were lucky