You can have sex as much as you want.
In 24 hours, up to 6 times if he's under thirty. 4 if with a sex partner. After those numbers, nothing will come out for at least 12 hours. (Not medical-scientific proof, by the way.)
The word sex does not appear at all in KJ. The word sexual does, always coupled with immorality, in 22 verses.
One and one sixth times.
12 times.
Many young couples can have sex multiple times in a day . Some have 5-6 times. Some have 3-4 times. It depends and changes from couple to couple.
It depends on how many times it has sex.
It didn't. A domestic partnership bill failed. Only one same-sex marriage bill was ever voted on and it passed and became law.
i was woundering that to untill i seen the doctors on tv..they said that no one can get loose from having sex..the only way a girl can get loose is if they had a baby
There are 22 autosome pairs and one pair of sex chromosomes.
It might hurt a little the first few times you have sex again.
If you are talking about the Bible, it doesn't say that anywhere.
The same amount of times that I had sex your mom..... 987,654,321,098,765,432,109,876,543,210,987,654,321
It depends on the parent cell. If the parent cell has 24 then the sex cell will have 12.
how many times greater is one hour than one minute
I don't believe it works on that basis. It just assumes that a woman will be fertile approximately 13 times a year and that you will have sex during this time.
Have each boyfriend over to your place at different times and have wild sex with each of them. The one that gives the best sex...stick with him.