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On an analog clock, there is one 5 that is always apparent.

On a digital clock, it depends whether or not seconds are displayed. If not, the hours position shows 5 twice per day, the tens of minutes position shows 5 once per hour or 24 times per day, and the minutes position shows 5 six times per hour, which is 144 times per day.

2 times/day + 24 times/day + 144 times/day = 170 times/day

If seconds are displayed, in addition to the 170 times/day you have in the tens of seconds position a 5 once per minute, which is 1440 (60 * 24) times per day, and in the seconds position you have a 5 six times per minute, which is 8640 (1440 * 6) times per day.

170 times/day + 1440 times/day + 8640 times/day = 10,250 times/day

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Q: How many times does a 5 appear on a 12 hour clock in 24 hours?
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How many times does 5 appear on a 24 hour clock?

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First of all, it doesn't. The hour-hand and minute-hand align in opposite directions only 22 times in 24 hours. The reason is simply because the hands of an ordinary 12-hour analog clock go through every possible orientation every 12 hours ... twice in 24 hours ... and if you take a clock, set it to 12:00, and then crank it through 24 hours, you'll see the hands line up in a 180-degree angle 22 times.

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The amount of times 3 digits of the same number appear in a 24 hour span is 32. Do the math...figure it out.. :D Enjoy!

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11 times in every 12 hours.

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12 hour clock but could say the time in a 24 hour clock Analogue describes construction, not hours. It can be either.

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The difference between 12 hour clock and a 24 hour clock is that when you say 1:00am for a 12 hour clock you would say 0100 hours