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Q: How many times does the number zero appear on a digital clock in one 24 hours?
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How many different times does the number 7 appear on a digital clock in 24 hours?


On a digital clock showing 24 hour time over a whole day how many times does a 5 appear?

The number 5 will appear 146 times in 24 hours.

What separates the hours from minutes on a digital clock?

A colon.

What time will appear on a digital clock 465 minutes after it shows two o' clock PM?

465 minutes is 7 hours 45 minutes so the time would show 9:45pm

Does a 12-hour digital clock stand for 12 or 24 hours?

12 hours,

How many times a day does the number 1 appear on a 24 hour clock?

An hour has 60 min. Assuming the clock has only the hour and minute displayed, every hour 1 would appear at 1, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,10,21,31,41,51. Counting 11 as once there are 15 1s in an hour. In the 24 hours, only 0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,22,23 have no 1 s in them. Therefore 1 aooears 165 times in those times. As for hours 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21, there is always a 1 in the clock. This makes 1 appear 12*60 times which is 720 times. Therefore in total, 1 appears 885 times in a digital 24 hour clock.

How do you find out how many times does 7 appear on a digital clock in 24 hours?

There are four digits on a digital clock. A seven will never appear in two of them. It will appear 6 times per hour (07, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57) and once each at 7 am and 7 pm, or 700 and 1700 if you're keeping military time. My best guess: 24 x 6 + 2 = 144

What is the clock with a seconds hours and minutes hand called?

Analog, as opposed to digital.

How many times will the digit 7 appears in a digital clock in 24 hours?

146 times.

Why is there a colon between the two numbers on a digital clock?

Why not? It separates hours from minutes. Would you prefer asterisks or what?

How many times does a 5 appear on a 24 hour digital clock?

Assuming that once a number appears only once even if it remains for an hour - for example, the 5 in the hours place does not disappear and reappear at 5:00, 5:01, 5:02 and so on - it is 170 times over a 24-hour period.

Why is a colon used to separate hours and minutes on a digital clock?

That's the way time is written in some parts of the world.